jazz  // 

Xavier Gil

Celeste Alías has become one of the most in-demand vocalists on the Barcelona jazz scene, forming part of several bands, and all this, naturally, generates a busy agenda of concerts. She has worked with many musicians, including David Mengual, Jorge Rossy, Perico Sambeat, Albert Cirera and Gonzalo del Val, amongst others. At present, her main activities centre on the Celeste-Mezquida Dúo (fusing improv and jazz with pianist Marco Mezquida, with whom she recorded the album Two Lonely People in 2011), her duo with the guitarist Santi Careta (which has also generated an album, Black in Blue, in which the pair pay tribute to Nina Simone, Billie Holiday and Abbey Lincoln) and, finally, Jazz Machín, an ensemble inspired by the Cuban composer and singer Antonio Machín with Careta on guitar, David Soler on pedal steel and Oriol Roca on drums.


Cercle Sonor

Gemma Gascon





Two lonely people
Two lonely people (2011)
L’Institut Ramon Llull és un consorci integrat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Govern de les Illes Balears i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona que té com a finalitat la projecció i difusió exterior de la llengua i la cultura catalanes en totes les seves expressions.
Generalitat de Catalunya Govern de les Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Fundació Ramon Llull, està constituïda pel Govern d'Andorra, l'Institut Ramon Llull, el Consell General dels Pirineus Orientals, l'Alguer, Xarxa de municipis i entitats de les Illes Balears i la Xarxa de ciutats valencianes Ramon Llull, i té la seva seu a Andorra
Fundació Ramon Llull