Transfer és una publicació anual en anglès, coeditada per l’Institut Ramon Llull (IRL) i Publicacions de la Universitat de València (PUV), que recull articles –prèviament publicats en català– dedicats als principals debats intel·lectuals del món contemporani.
El projecte tracta d’assolir un doble objectiu: d’entrada, l’objectiu general de promoure la difusió exterior del pensament contemporani d’expressió catalana, tot afavorint el diàleg dels autors d’aquí amb els d’altres països. En segon terme, l’objectiu més concret de donar suport a la projecció internacional d’aquelles publicacions periòdiques del domini lingüístic català que aposten per participar amb ambició i rigor en els debats d’idees del present.
Cada número de Transfer està il·lustrat amb obra gràfica (pintura o fotografia) d’un artista contemporani de prestigi. D’aquesta manera es busca que els textos i les imatges entrin en diàleg, i que la forma i el fons de la revista es reforcin mútuament. Els artistes són triats entre els noms més reconeguts del ric panorama artístic de les terres de parla catalana (Catalunya, País Valencià i les Illes Balears).
Els membres del consell editorial de la revista Transfer estan estretament vinculats a les revistes de pensament i cultura de l’àmbit lingüístic català. El consell editorial és el responsable de la tria dels articles que apareixen a cada número, i contribueix a orientar la línia editorial de la revista.
is a lecturer in Anthropology at the University of Alacant.
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in L'Espillis a journalist and columnist of La Vanguardia (Barcelona).
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in Serra d’oris a philologist and translator (Barcelona).
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in L'Espillis a lecturer of Catalan Literature at the University of Alacant.
is professor of Contemporary History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in Ideesis a photojournalist and lecturer at the Blanquerna Communication Faculty in Barcelona.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in Transversalis professor of Medieval History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in L'Espillis professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
is associate professor in Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a journalist.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in Transversalis a historian of the Catalan Literature and lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona).
teaches Catalan Literature at the University of Girona.
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in L’Avençis professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona.
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in Segle XXis a catalan literature lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley, and senior professor at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona).
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in Ideesis a philosopher and literary critic (Tortosa).
is professor of Political Science at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, a researcher at the CSIC and a member of the European Academy.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in Viais an art critic (Barcelona).
is a journalist and lecturer at the Ramon Llull University (Barcelona).
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in Ideesis a historian and professor at the University of Girona.
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in L'Espillis a poet (Gandia).
is a writer and critic (Barcelona).
is associate lecturer at the University of Barcelona and director of ICC, Cultural Consultants.
is a biologist and socio-ecologist (Barcelona), general director of ERF.
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in L'Espillis professor of Medieval History at the University of Valencia.
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in L'Espillis a journalist and a historian (Barcelona).
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in Ideesis a sociologist, professor at the University of Barcelona and president of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in Culturateaches philosophy at a secondary school.
is writer and coordinator of the cultural center KRTU (Culture, Research, Technology, Universals) in Barcelona.
is currently a teaching assistant in History at York University, Toronto, Canada.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in L'Espillis professor of Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
is a writer and literary critic (Barcelona).
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in L’Avençis a lecturer of Sociology at the University of València.
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in El Contemporaniis a lecturer of General Linguistics at the University of Barcelona.
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in Els Margesis a member of the Science in Society Foundation (Barcelona).
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in Mètodeis a writer and works as an assistant nurse at the Hospital General de Vic.
is professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Barcelona.
Transfer #02 2007is a historian and literary critic (Barcelona).
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in Transversalis a sociolinguist and lecturer of Humanities and Philology at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona), and is a member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
Transfer #01 2006is professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona.
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in L’Avençis a lecturer in Sociolinguistics and Catalan language at Illes Balears University (Mallorca).
is a historian of Catalan literature and emeritus professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
teaches Physics at the University of Valencia.
is professor of Human Geography at the University of Girona.
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in Mètodeis a historian. He is a lecturer in Catalan Literature at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, and a literary critic.
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in L’Avençis associate lecturer in Biochemistry and member of the Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Valencia.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in L'Espillis a writer and literary critic (Mallorca).
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in Llucis writer and professor of Catalan Literature at the Illes Balears University (Mallorca).
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in Viais a researcher at the Cavanilles Insitute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia.
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Mètodeis a political scientist and director of the International Centre on Governance, Barcelona.
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in Viais a biologist and a physicist and researcher in molecular biology.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in Mètodeis a historian and journalist.
Transfer #01 2006 originally published in El Contemporaniis a poet and literary critic (Barcelona).
is general director of La Central bookshops.
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in L’Avençis professor of Spanish and Portuguese Literature and director of the Institute for Iberian Studies at the Stanford University.
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in L'Espillis associate professor at the Auntonomous University of Barcelona.
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in Mirmandais a writer (Barcelona).
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in El Contemporaniis an assistant lecturer in Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
is an assistant lecturer in Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in Barcelona Metropolisis lecturer of Philosophy at the University of Valencia.
is associate lecturer in Catalan Literature at the University of Barcelona.
is an essayist and the director of the Institut d’Estudis Polítics of the Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).
works as a curator at the IVAM (Valencian Institute of Modern Art).
is a lecturer Political Science at the University of Barcelona and is director of the Jaume Bofill Foundation.
Transfer #02 2007 originally published in Ideesis an essayist and a professor of General Linguistics at the University of Barcelona.
is a literary critic.
is an essayist and literary critic (Barcelona).
is a writer and critic (Barcelona).
is a historian and lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona.
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in Afersis a writer and lecturer at the Ramun Llull University in Barcelona.
is a journalist and publisher. Borja de Riquer is professor of Contemporary History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
is professor of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
is an art historian and director of the Frederic Marès Museum of Barcelona.
Transfer #03 2008 originally published in L’Avençis a historian and writer (Valencia).
is a philosopher and journalist, director of the CCCB (Barcelona Contemporary Culture Centre)
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Culturais lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona. Translation by Andrew Stacey
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in EinesPere Antoni Pons is a writer and critic (Barcelona/Mallorca). Translation by Julie Wark
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Llucis professor of Philosophy at the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Toulouse, France. Translation by Martin Jacques
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Mirmandais a philosopher and theologist, lecturer at the Ramon Llull University (Barcelona). Translation by Andrew Stacey
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Viais lecturer of Sociology at the Ramon Llull University (Barcelona). Translation by Andrew Stacey
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Viais an anthropologist, head of Research and International Cooperation at the Institut de Seguritat Pública de Catalunya (Barcelona). Translation by Andrew Stacey
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Barcelona Metropolisis professor of Sociology and director of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona). Translation by Julie Wark
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Viais a writer and journalist (Paris). Translation by Andrew Spence
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in Viais professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Art at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Martí Peran is lecturer of Theory of Art at the University of Barcelona. Translation by Andrew Spence
Transfer #06 2011 originally published in L'Espillis lecturer at Cork University. Her review appeared in the Bulletin of Spanish Studies 87 (2010)
is a poet, translator and dramatist (Vic). Translation by Andrew Stacey
is lecturer of Philosophy at the University of Girona. Translation by Andrew Stacey
is a philologist and writer, professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Translation by Andrew Stacey
is an architect and professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Translation by Andrew Stacey
is an art historian and curator (Girona). Translation by Andrew Stacey
is a writer and translator (Mallorca/Barcelona). Translation by D. Sam Abrams
Transfer #06 2011is professor of Political Science at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). Original in English
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in L'Espillis a lecturer in Philosophy and Anthropology of Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His article was first published as a chapter in Emparaular el món. El pensament antropològic de Lluís Duch (Barcelona, Fragmenta, 2011). Translation by Carla Ros
Transfer #07 2012is professor of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia. Translation by Fabiola Barraclough
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in Mètodeis a writer and poet (Barcelona), and is former director of Transfer. Translation by Andrew Spence
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in L'Espillis a journalist. He writes about architecture in the newspaper La Vanguardia (Barcelona). Translation by Andrew Spence
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in Viais professor of Geography at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Translation by Andrew Spence
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in Viais an architect and professor of Theory of Architecture at the ETSAB-UPC (Barcelona). Original contribution. Translated by the author
Transfer #07 2012is a teaching fellow in Catalan & Spanish at the School of Modern Languages, University of Leicester. Translation by Julie Wark
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in Llucis a lecturer of Theory of Art at the University of Barcelona. Translation by Tau Traduccions SL
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in Barcelona Metropolisis an architect and professor of History of Art and Architecture at the ETSAB-UPC (Barcelona). Translation by Andrew Spence
Transfer #07 2012 originally published in L’Avençis professor of Catalan Literature at the University of Alicante. Translation by Andrew Stacey
is a historian and literary critic. Translation by Andrew Stacey
is an emeritus professor of Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid. Translation by Andrew Stacey
is a writer (Barcelona). Translation by Andrew Stacey
Transfer #04 2009 originally published in L’Avençis a lecturer on History of the Mass Media at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Original contribution. Translation by Julie Wark
Transfer #07 2012is a lecturer of Physics at the University of Barcelona and Scientific Director of the Fundació La Caixa, Barcelona. Translation by Fabiola Barraclough
Transfer #07 2012is a musician and writer (Barcelona). Original contribution. Translation by Mara Faye Lethem
Transfer #07 2012is professor of Contemporany History at the University of Barcelona.
Transfer #05 2010 originally published in ViaAquest web només utilitza galetes de sessió amb finalitats tècniques i analítiques, no recull ni cedeix dades de caràcter personal dels usuaris sense el seu consentiment. Tanmateix, sí que utilitza galetes de tercers amb finalitats estadístiques. Podeu obtenir més informació o administrar-les oposar-vos-hi fent clic a "+ Info"