Institut Ramon LLull

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About Transfer

Transfer is an English-language journal featuring articles previously published in Catalan and focusing on current intellectual debates. The journal is published annually by the Institut Ramon Llull (IRL) and Publicacions de la Universitat de València (PUV).
The project’s aim is twofold: firstly, to heighten knowledge and awareness abroad of works by contemporary Catalan writers on subjects of cultural interest, thereby promoting dialogue among authors from Catalonia and those from other countries; secondly, and more specifically, Transfer seeks to provide support for a broader international outreach of Catalan journals actively engaged in discussion of pertinent subjects of our times.
Each Transfer issue also includes graphic works, either pictorial reproductions or photographs, by a contemporary artist, thus encouraging a lively dialogue between text content and visual imagery. Artists are selected from among the most-widely recognised names within the rich art scene in the Catalan-speaking territories (Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands).
Transfer’s editorial board members are closely linked with the publishing of scholarly and cultural journals in Catalan. They select the articles that appear in each Transfer issue and also have a voice in steering the journal’s editorial policy.

#04 / 2009

Focus / A new place for culture in society?

editorial address L'exili, la literatura i la traducció
Exile, literature and translation
Carles Torner
essays El maig francès del 68: un altre episodi d'una dècada intensa
May 1968 in France: just another episode in an intense decade
Damià Pons
Revista original: Via
El canvi climàtic versus el canvi socioeconòmic
Socio-ecology and sustainability
Ramon Folch
Revista original: L'Espill
Del periodisme de qualitat al periodisme especulatiu
From quality journalism to speculative journalism
Josep Lluis Gómez Mompart
Revista original: L'Espill
La representació simbòlica del passat nacional
The simbolic representation of the Nation's past
Marta Rovira
Revista original: Idees
L'hispanisme al servei de l'Estat: la fi d'un projecte imperial
Post-Hispanism, or the long goodbye of National Philology
Joan Ramon Resina
Revista original: L'Espill
Jean Améry, el testimoni dislocat
Jean Améry, the dislocated witness
Ignasi Ribó Labastida
Revista original: El Contemporani
focus Economia i cultura: de l'oxímoron al pleonasme
Economics and culture. From oxymoron to pleonasm
Xavier Fina
Revista original: Cultura
Cultura popular, avui
The fate of popular culture today
Salvador Giner
Revista original: Cultura
Una peça de museu. Sobre el lloc reservat a les Humanitats en la societat del coneixement
A museum piece. The role reserved for the Humanities in the Knowledge Society
Eva Comas
Revista original: Idees
notes & comments Al fons de l'estany
At the bottom of the pond
Vicenç Pagès Jordà
Revista original: L’Avenç
Catalanisme: un lloc a Europa
Catalanism: a place in Europe?
Joan Francesc Mira
Revista original: Via
dialogues Jaume Terradas: una biografia del món.
Jaume Terradas: a biography of the world. An interview
Cristina Junyent
Revista original: Mètode
Oriol Bohigas. Criteris i exabruptes
Conversation with the architect Oriol Bohigas
Josep Maria Muñoz
Revista original: L’Avenç
about artist Jaume Plensa (cat)
Jaume Plensa (eng)
Pilar Parcerisas
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