Institut Ramon LLull

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About Transfer

Transfer is an English-language journal featuring articles previously published in Catalan and focusing on current intellectual debates. The journal is published annually by the Institut Ramon Llull (IRL) and Publicacions de la Universitat de València (PUV).
The project’s aim is twofold: firstly, to heighten knowledge and awareness abroad of works by contemporary Catalan writers on subjects of cultural interest, thereby promoting dialogue among authors from Catalonia and those from other countries; secondly, and more specifically, Transfer seeks to provide support for a broader international outreach of Catalan journals actively engaged in discussion of pertinent subjects of our times.
Each Transfer issue also includes graphic works, either pictorial reproductions or photographs, by a contemporary artist, thus encouraging a lively dialogue between text content and visual imagery. Artists are selected from among the most-widely recognised names within the rich art scene in the Catalan-speaking territories (Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands).
Transfer’s editorial board members are closely linked with the publishing of scholarly and cultural journals in Catalan. They select the articles that appear in each Transfer issue and also have a voice in steering the journal’s editorial policy.

#06 / 2011

Focus / Fears of the 21st Century

editorial address Seure a la taula
Sitting at the Table
Vicenç Villatoro
essays L'exil du savoir
The exile of knowledge
Felip Martí-Jufresa
Revista original: Mirmanda
La quotidianitat del poder: The best wing
The everydayness of power
Pere Antoni Pons
Revista original: Lluc
El revisionisme històric i la relectura de la història en el debat polític
Historical revisionism
Giovanni C. Cattini
Revista original: Eines
La llengua de l'assaig: una temptativa
The language of the essay: an assay
Antoni Mora
Revista original: L'Espill
Barcelona, ciutat oberta
Barcelona, open city
Josep Ramoneda
Revista original: Cultura
focus Quan la ciència fa por
Social reaction to new technologies
Manel Porcar
Revista original: Mètode
Víctimes, delinqüents i bocs espiatoris
Victims, criminals and scapegoats
Lola Vallès
Revista original: Barcelona Metropolis
La por de perdre l'estatus
The fear of loss of status
Jordi Busquet
Revista original: Via
Essència i formes de la por en la hipermodernitat
The essence and forms of fear in hypermodernity
Francesc Torralba
Revista original: Via
notes & comments Baltasar Porcel i l'arquitectura espiritual de Catalunya
Baltasar Porcel and Catalonia's spiritual architecture
Juan Pedro Quiñonero
Revista original: Via
La Democràcia en l'era d'Internet
Democracy in the age of Internet
Manuel Castells
Revista original: Via
dialogues Art i reflexió estètica. Una conversa sobre el pensament estètic català
Art and Aesthetics. A conversation on Catalan aesthetic thought
Gerard Vilar
Revista original: L'Espill
about artist Miquel Barceló (cat)
Miquel Barceló (eng)
Arnau Pons
/ Ressenyes
// Autors
/// Revistes

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