Institut Ramon LLull


The new edition of 'Camera Catalonia' by the Cambridge Film Festival features five films from Catalonia

A new window opens onto Catalan cinema at the Cambridge Film Festival held from 24 to 31 October, which includes some of its most outstanding recent titles. The films that will be screened this year are Casa en flames House on fire), El mestre que va prometre el mar (The teacher who promised the sea), Llobàs, Tu no ets jo (You are not me) and The human hibernation.
15/10/2024 Literatura

The 76th edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair features over thirty Catalan publishers.

At the Fair, scheduled to run from 16 October to 20 October, the Department of Culture will host a booth where industry professionals and leading organisations promoting and enhancing the global recognition of Catalan literature will be in attendance.

From October 24 to 26, the FIBA festival in Buenos Aires will present a Catalan programme featuring four theatrical pieces

This year, FIBA, a prominent performing arts festival held in Buenos Aires from 18 to 27 October, will showcase four Catalan productions on Argentine stages.
08/10/2024 Llengua

The Institut Ramon Llull is launching a new Catalan studies program at University College Dublin

The opening ceremony will take place on 14 October at the university. A performance by Explica Dansa dance company will open the event, followed by an institutional reception and a staged reading of Victoria Spunzberg's play, El pes d'un cos (The Weight of a Body), translated into English by Helena Buffery.

Five Catalan illustrators work on international projects during the Faberllull Olot residency

The residency's second edition, running until 11 October, has the objective of promoting the publication of Catalan and Balearic authors internationally.
03/10/2024 Cultura

The Archaeology Museum of Catalonia in Empúries is organising an international creative residency, featuring Joana Gomila, Maria Callís, Alexandra Laudo, and British poet Alice Oswald as participants

The project was initiated by the Direcció General del Patrimoni Cultural (General Directorate of Cultural Heritage) and the Institut Ramon Llull. The first edition of the project features a partnership with Festival Clàssics, which has scheduled a double session on 23 November to display the creators' pieces.
02/10/2024 Literatura

The Institut Ramon Llull is taking part in the literary translation conferences held in Strasbourg, Europe.

The Rencontres européennes de la traduction littéraire, which are organised by the European Council of Associations of Literary Translators (CEATL), will focus on key challenges facing the literary translation industry this year, including linguistic and editorial diversity, artificial intelligence, and freedom of expression.

Bestiari, the ‘Catalonia in Venice’ project at the Venice Art Biennale, completes its programme with seminars and activities in Barcelona and Venice

Two debates will be held on 10 October at the CCCB as part of the Biennial of Thought and will be titled “Wild rumours and sound art”. Additionally, a seminar, a listening workshop, sound activations, and a screening of Carlos Casas' Cemetery will take place in Venice on 17 and 18 October.
30/09/2024 Llengua

Four American universities host chairs of Catalan studies this autumn

Raül Garrigasait will teach at Stanford University in California, Melissa Moyer at the City University of New York, Sílvia Perpiñán at the University of California-Berkeley, and Yairen Jerez at the University of Havana.

Benedetta Tagliabue and Josep Bohigas, at Mexico City’s Mextrópoli Festival

The Architecture and City Festival, considered the most important in America, will feature exhibitions by the two architects with support from the Ramon Llull Institute from September 19 to 23.

Alba G. Corral, star of the Sonica Glasgow Festival 2024

She will be performing live in the Scottish premiere of “Become Ocean”, a musical composition by John Luther Adams that will be played by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and conducted by Clark Rundell.
19/09/2024 Literatura

The Llull Fellowship will bring together international publishers in Barcelona during the Catalan Book Week

This year, the Llull's participation in the Catalan Book Week (La Setmana del Llibre en Català) also includes a round table on translation and multilingualism, and the presentation of the book A camp obert. Contemporary cultural practices co-edited with Arcàdia.

9 activists, artists and creators from Palestine, Syria and Lebanon participate in an artistic residency in Faberllull Olot

The meeting, organised jointly with the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), aims to be a healing experience for the participants, taking into account that the impacts of war and conflicts in the three countries are still particularly active.

The Institut Ramon Llull, in co-edition with Arcàdia, presents ”In an Open Field. Contemporary cultural practices ”

Thinkers and artists from various fields reflect on 21st century culture with the aim of opening a global dialogue on creativity, imagination and knowledge.

The Association française des catalanistes (AFC), winner of the 33rd Ramon Llull International Prize for Catalan Studies and Cultural Diversity

The prize, endowed with 6,000 euros, is announced annually and jointly by the Fundació Ramon Llull and the Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana.
05/09/2024 Arts

Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana promotes eco-social transformation, showing the multidisciplinary works of over 90 artists in 12 cities

Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana opens on 8 September and will run until 24 November 2024. The decentralization of this edition, which is the most geographically extensive in the history of the European Nomad Biennial, responds to the candidacy presented by Barcelona jointly with 11 cities in the metropolitan region to lead the event.
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