Institut Ramon LLull

Catalan Language Certificates

Nivell de suficiència (C1)

Certification of a command of the language allowing the individual to communicate confidently, appropriately and correctly in situations requiring a certain degree of formality.

Sample Exam

Sample Exam
A sample exam is provided in PDF format .

Overall Aim
This exam aims to evaluate whether the examinee has a general command of the standard language, in order to communicate satisfactorily in situations requiring semi-formal or formal use of language.

Exam Structure
There are four sections to this exam: Written Expression, Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Vocabulary, Oral Expression


Written Expression40 %2 h i 45 min.
Reading Comprehension10 %
Grammar and Vocabulary25 %
Oral Expression25 %30 min (15 of which are for preparation)

Description of the sections


The examinee must demonstrate the ability to write semi-formal non-specialized texts focused on work and social subjects, with a sufficient degree of coherence, cohesion, appropriateness and correctness.

The following skills are evaluated:

a) Proper response to the communication circumstances in question: the individual(s) to whom the text is addressed, the subject matter, the reason for writing the text, the approach used and the formal or conventional features of the text.
b) Choice of necessary, complete and relevant information (not contradictory or repetitive) and the logical ordering of it (giving different stress to ideas, organizing the contents according to the type of text, proper paragraph breaks, etc.).
c) Precise use of cohesive devices (punctuation marks and phrase links: conjunctions, relative pronouns, weak pronouns, adverbs, vocabulary, etc.) and phrases or expressions that reflect a relation between, or progression of, ideas.
d) Precise and varied use of linguistic choices (vocabulary and syntax).
e) Correct use of grammar (spelling, morphology, syntax and vocabulary).

This section includes two exercises:

Exercise 1
Write a formal letter (of complaint, requesting something, providing information on a given subject, offering suggestions, etc.) approximately 150 words in length.

Exercise 2
Write a text of approximately 200 words in standard language and in a formal register. There are two options from which to choose.

Option A: An opinion piece for a magazine presenting and defending a point of view, convincing the reader, etc.

Option B: A commentary on a specific aspect (characters, story, subject) of a book, a play or a film the examinee has read or seen, geared for a magazine readership, a contest, etc.; or  on other subjects that require describing places, people, etc., and offering a personal assessment.


The examinee must be able to understand texts on subjects of general and specific interest, with varying degrees of formality and different dialectical variations. 

The examinee must understand:

a) The overall meaning.
b) The main and secondary ideas and other details.
c) Ideas that are not explicitly stated —the communicative intention of the text, the author’s point of view and position, the tone (ironic, humorous, etc.) and double meanings.
d) How the text is structured (ordering and connecting of ideas).

This section includes two exercises requiring reading two texts (articles, news reports, book excerpts, film and theatre critiques) of approximately 500-600 words each.

Exercise 1
Respond to ten true/false questions and choose the right answer among various options.

Exercise 2
Choose one summary, among three, that best captures the content of the text.


The examinee must demonstrate sufficient command of the language to express him/herself correctly.

The examinee must be able to:  

a) Apply the general and specific rules as well as the most common exceptions to the rule in standard Catalan.
b) Select and use linguistic elements in spoken and written contexts, being aware of syntax and semantics.
c) Use grammatically correct structures in speaking Catalan..
d) Use word formations applying the most common derivation and composition devices
e) Understand the precise meaning of words and expressions.

This section includes six exercises: three on morphosyntax and three on vocabulary and phraseology. 
a) Morphosyntax: two exercises based on texts: one requiring filling in blanks and the other involving choosing the correct response among several options and an exercise in sentence transformation. 
b) Vocabulary and Phraseology: two exercises based on texts and one exercise based on sentences; these may involve filling in blanks or choosing the correct response among several options.


The examinee is evaluated individually and must be able to express him/herself easily and fluently, in an appropriate and sufficiently correct manner in everyday situations arising in social or work environments requiring semi-formal use of the standard spoken language.

The examinee must demonstrate an ability to produce a coherent monologue appropriate to a given communication situation.

The following abilities will be assessed:

a) Responding appropriately to the situation (to the interlocutors, the subject in question and the communicative aim).
b) Handling the content (the subject, the ideas) in an ordered and clear manner: introducing the subject, developing it, closing it.
c) Properly managing hurdles in communication: correcting oneself, clarifying an idea or emphasising an important aspect by rephrasing, adding subtleties, offering examples.

The examinee must show an ability to flexibly use standard oral language in a semi-formal register.
The following abilities will be assessed:
a) Flexibly combining different constructions (statements, questions, shifts in order, etc.).
b) Using an an appropriately broad and precise vocabulary in talking about general subjects (without excessive repetition or use of filler words).
c) Using appropriate cohesive devices and connectors for spoken language.
d) Pronouncing clearly and with an acceptable degree of correctness in keeping with standard pronunciation criteria.
e) Reading a text out loud in a way that can be clearly understood by the listener (without hesitations and with appropriate pauses, rhythm and speed).

This section includes three exercises.

Exercise 1
Give a two-minute talk on a general subject and based on two photographs.

Exercise 2
Perform a specific task chosen from among two options offered (each taking approximately one minute); the examinee must fit the language to the particular situation in question.

Exercise 3
Read a 200-word text out loud.


The examinee receives a pass or fail grade. A passing grade requires an overall 70% minimum grade and at least half of the percentages assigned to the written and oral expression sections that are eliminatory.


The following link offers a broad selection of useful bibliographical resources for learning Catalan (complementary methods and materials).


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