Institut Ramon LLull

Site Information

Administrative procedures online

Identification and electronic signature mechanisms in relation to the person signing

IdCat-Mòbil / CL@VE

This is a citizen-oriented identification and electronic signature mechanism based on sending single-use passwords to a mobile. Contact details must first be recorded in the file at the Electronic Office of the Government of Catalonia.

IdCat-Mòbil Information
Info Cl@ve

Digital certificate

Digital certificates issued by all the certification bodies classified by the Catalan Open Administration Consortium as valid to identify members of the public and businesses before Catalan public authorities. The digital certificate is therefore a means of identification that determines both the user’s identity and their type of accreditation. The type of accreditation profile determines the level of representation of the person identifying themselves and acting for third parties and/or themselves. The latter information will be determined by the data included in the digital certificate used by the public.

Digital Certificates Information

Non-encrypted accreditation mechanism (username and password).

Accreditation (username and password) is required for foreign citizens without tax residency in Spain in order to handle electronic procedures with the Institut Ramon Llull (IRL).

Applicants will receive an email notification with username and password within a maximum of 72 hours. The Institut Ramon LLull will validate the documents to verify the identity of the petitioner.

Accreditation is valid for five years starting from the date on which username and password are communicated by email.

If you need to process other formalities with the Institut Ramon Llull that require prior accreditation, please be aware of deadlines in order not to submit documentation out of legal term.

Apply for accreditation

Info usuari contrasenya

Spanish citizens and foreign citizens resident in Spain

To use the Institut Ramon Llull online services that require identification, digital certificates, IdCAT Mobile and the ID mechanism are valid.

Summary of identification mechanism, by procedure
 Document signature and presentation

Digital certificate/IdCat Mobile

AffidavitsDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile
WithdrawalDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile
WaiverDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile
AppealDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile
Justification formDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile
Invoices and proof of paymentDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile
Other documentsDigital certificate/IdCat Mobile/ID
  1. Submission of applications.

    To submit an application through the electronic office of the Institut Ramon Llull you must have the pertinent digital certificate or IdCAT Mobile.

    In the case of legal entities, digital certificates for individuals are accepted provided that they identify the legal representative of the entity.

    Digital certificates issued by all the certification bodies classified by the Catalan Open Administration Consortium can be used validly to identify individuals and legal entities before Catalan public authorities.

    You should bear in mind that, depending on the service or procedure, the list of certificates accepted may be restricted according to specific features of the security policy and/or rules for the service or procedure in question.

  2. Submission of documents for files being processed.

    In the case of affidavits, withdrawls, waivers, supporting documentation or appeals, Spanish citizens and residents of Spain wishing to submit these documents online must possess the relevant digital certificate or IdCat Mobile. However, submission of other documents through the electronic office within the framework of a file already open is also possible with the ID mechanism.

  3. Submission of supporting documentation.

    In order to submit supporting documentation online, the beneficiary must have a digital certificate or IdCat Mobile. In order to ensure that they adhere to the originals, all supporting documents must be signed electronically.

Foreign citizens not resident in Spain

To use the Institut Ramon Llull online services that require identification, the user name/password mechanism and the ID mechanism are valid.

Summary of identification mechanism, by procedure
 Document signature and presentation
ApplicationAccreditation (user & password)
AffidavitsAccreditation (user & password)
WithdrawalAccreditation (user & password)
WaiverAccreditation (user & password)
AppealAccreditation (user & password)
Justification formAccreditation (user & password)
Invoices and proof of paymentAccreditation (user & password)
Other documentsAccreditation (user & password)/ ID)


  1. Submission of applications.

    To identify non-resident foreign citizens we use the system of identification using accreditation (username and password).

    The Institut Ramon Llull undertakes to send the username and password  to interested parties after having verified the documentation accrediting their identity. For this reason, non-resident foreign citizens who do not have an accredition because it is the first time they are submitting an application to the Institut Ramon Llull must apply for accreditation.

  2. Submission of documents for files being processed.

    Documents can be submitted through the electronic office within the framework of a file already open using either the system of identification with a user name and password or via the ID mechanism. 

  3. Submission of supporting documentation

    To submit supporting documentation online, users must have the ID mechanism or the accreditation mechanism and follow the steps described in the Guide to submitting supporting documentation online.

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