The body responsible for the virtual office is the Institut Ramon LLull and the unit responsible for managing it is the Management of the Institut Ramon Llull.
Site Information
Body responsible for the virtual office
The body responsible for the virtual office is the Institut Ramon LLull and the unit responsible for managing it is the Management of the Institut Ramon Llull.
Identification of the virtual office
Identification of the virtual office is ensured by means of the corresponding digital certificate installed on the server where the information and the services available to members of the public are stored. The digital certificate of the head office is issued by the Agència Catalana de Certificació (CATCert). Information regarding it is provided at the virtual office and the appropriate instruments are provided for validating its content and scope.
Official time at the virtual office
The official date and time at the virtual office is the official date and time of Catalonia. For date and time purposes, the virtual office is synchronised with the server of the e-registry.
Electronic registry
The registration office set up to take note of the reception of procedural transactions received via the Internet is the IRL’s electronic registry. The IRL’s electronic registry will be governed, for the purposes of computing deadlines and determining the date and time of reception and issue of documents, by the official date and time of the virtual office
Calendar of non-working days
The IRL has established that for electronic transactions, every day of the year is a working day.
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