Institut Ramon LLull

Grants for the translation and/or adaptation of dramatic texts, librettos, choral repertoire and scenic productions


This summary is for informational purposes only, and not legally binding. The applicant should consult the Grant Rules and the Grant Call.

Summary of the bases for the granting of subsides published in the DOGC on April 10, 2024.


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You can access the PDF attachments below by downloading Adobe Acrobat.




The purpose of this grant is to cover the expenses for either the translation of dramatic texts, librettos and choral repertoires as well as the translation adaptation and/or subtitling of dramatic texts, scenic and opera productions (hereafter, scenic productions) provided that they fulfill the following requirements:

For dramatic texts, librettos and choral repertoire:

  • The original language must be Catalan or Occitan in its Aranese variant
  • The original text must have been already released, published or awarded within a professional context the last six years, including the public grant call publication’s year.
  • The original text must have been translated and/or adapted within the open call’s calender year

For scenic productions:

  • The original text must have been written –totally or partially- in Spanish, Catalan or Occitan in its Aranese variant.
  • The original text must have been translated and/or adapted and/or subtitled within the open call’s calender year

This call for grant proposals does not cover:

  • Translations and/or adaptations and/or subtitled of dramatic texts, librettos, choral repertoires and scenic productions into Catalan and Occitan in its Aranese variation.
  • The publication of dramatic texts, librettos and choral repertoires
  • Translation (s) made by the author or any of the members involved in the authorship of the text in the case of collective authorship.


Individuals, self-employed individuals and legal entities that meet the requirements laid out in these rules are eligible for these grants.


Only one application for each dramatic text, libretto, choral repertoires as well as scenic production may be submitted regardless of the number of translations and/or adaptations and/or subtitling for which the grant has been requested.

The maximum eligible amount to each application is of 4.500 euros, as well.

The amount awarded to each grant application can be up to 100% of the eligible expenditures established in regulation 5, up to 4.500 euros for each application.



These are solely and exclusively those expenses corresponding to translation and/or adaptation and/or subtitling of dramatic texts, librettos, choral repertoires as well as scenic productions.



The application process will be available through the Institut Ramon Llull online system during the period of applications of the call.

a) Spanish applicants:

  • Legal persons and self-employed persons must submit their applications and complete the rest of administrative procedures (granting and economic justification) only online through the through the Institut Ramon Llull online system and the applicable signature system.
  • Natural persons:
    • Preferrably online through Institut Ramon Llull’s virtual office.
    • Through post offices as administrative mail.
    • In any of the registries and offices established by article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the legal regime of public administrations and the common administrative procedure.

b) Foreign applicants (self-employed individuals and non-resident juridical persons) who apply for the first time to a grant from Institut Ramon Llull need an accreditation. In the case they haven’t been provided one before, they need to request an accreditation.

Institut Ramon Llull will generate the certification and send it to non-resident foreign citizens securely after having verified their identification documentation. The certification will be valid for five years starting from the submission date of the documentation that certifies the identity of the interested party unless any changes arise. Once the applicant has received their certification, they may complete the grant application.

Please bear in mind the deadline for certification, where appropriate.

  • Foreign legal persons and self-employed persons must submit their applications and complete the rest of administrative procedures (granting and economic justification) only online through the through the Institut Ramon Llull online system and the applicable signature system.
  • Foreign natural persons must preferrably submit their applications online using Institut Ramon Llull’s virtual office.


The deadline for submitting applications is detailed in the call for applications, which establishes that the deadline shall be from 2 to 16 May inclusive.

February 15th to March 7th 2024.

Enquiries may be made throughout the application period until the last day at 2:00 pm.


The Director of the Ramon Llull Institute will make a decision within a maximum period of six months from the date of the publication of the call.

If the maximum period has elapsed without a final decision of the procedure being issued and notified, applicants may consider their applications rejected due to administrative silence.

The decision does not exhaust the administrative process. An appeal can be filed with the head of the Department of Culture within one month from the date of publication.



    The applications should be submitted through the virtual office.


    You may consult your file electronically through the virtual office.

    Additional documentation, where applicable, and supporting documentation may be submitted electronically through the virtual office.



    For any questions or concerns regarding applications, please contact:

    Diana Colom (

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    • Generalitat de Catalunya Govern Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona

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