Institut Ramon LLull

Grants awarded for the translation of artistic works and portfolios of visual artists, designers and architects for digital communication


Summary of the rules governing the public call to award grants published in the DOGC (official journal of the Catalan government) on January 23th 2024.

This summary is for information purposes only and is not legally binding. The applicant must consult the rules and the announcement of the grant.


You can access the PDF attachments below by downloading Adobe Acrobat.



You can access the PDF attachments below by downloading Adobe Acrobat.




Translation of works and portfolios/dossiers of visual artists, architects, and designers and texts by critics produced between January 1 and October 31, 2024, for digital media, whenever the following requirements are complied with:

  • The original text must have been written in Catalan, Spanish or Occitan in its Aranese variant.
  • The original text must have been translated within the open call’s calender year

This call for grant proposals does not cover:

  • Text translation into Catalan and Occitan in its Aranese variation.



Individuals, self-employed individuals and legal entities that meet the requirements laid out in these rules are eligible for these grants.

They cannot be beneficiaries of this grant:

  • Government agencies
  • Applicants who have an outstanding debt with the Institut Ramon Llull recognized by firm resolution of its director


Only one application for each text may be submitted regardless of the number of translations for which the grant has been requested. (Maximum of 10 requests per year).

The amount awarded to each grant application can be up to 100% of the eligible expenditures established in regulation 5, up to 2.000 euros for each application.

The maximum eligible amount to each application is of 2.000 euros, as well.



Eligible expenses for grants are exclusively those related to translation of work and portfolio / dossier of visual artist, architect and designer and of text of critic for its digital communication.


The application will be available in the Institut Ramon Llull online system during the period of applications of the call.

a) For Spanish applicants (or those based in Spain):

  • Natural persons:
  • Preferrably online through Institut Ramon Llull’s virtual office.
  • In the registry of the Headquarter ((Av. Diagonal, 373 Barcelona)
  • In any of the registries and offices established by article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1st, on the legal regime of public administrations and the common administrative procedure.
  • Legal persons and self-employed persons must submit their applications and complete the rest of administrative procedures (granting and economic justification) only online through the through the Institut Ramon Llull online system and the applicable signature system.

b) Foreign applicants (natural persons, self-employed individuals and non-resident juridical persons) who apply for the first time to a grant from Institut Ramon Llull need an accreditation. In the case they haven’t been provided one before, they need to request an accreditation.

Institut Ramon Llull will generate the certification and send it to non-resident foreign citizens securely after having verified their identification documentation. The certification will be valid for five years starting from the submission date of the documentation that certifies the identity of the interested party unless any changes arise. Once the applicant has received their certification, they may complete the grant application.

Please bear in mind the deadline for certification, where appropriate.



The deadline for submitting applications is set in the call for applications.

From April 2nd until April 16th 2024

Enquiries may be made throughout the application period until the last day at 2:00 pm.



The Director of the Ramon Llull Institute will make a decision within a maximum period of six months from the date of the publication of the call.

If the maximum period has elapsed without a final decision of the procedure being issued and notified, applicants may consider their applications rejected due to administrative silence.

The decision does not exhaust the administrative process. An appeal can be filed with the head of the Department of Culture within one month from the date of publication.




      The applications should be submitted through the virtual office.


      You may consult your file electronically through the virtual office.

      Additional documentation, where applicable, and supporting documentation may be submitted electronically through the virtual office.

      For the submission of supporting documentation, please follow this guide.


      For any questions or concerns regarding applications, please contact: Eva Solans (

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