Institut Ramon LLull

Pere Antoni Pons


Pilar Lafuente

Pere Antoni Pons

Pere Antoni Pons (Campanet, 1980) is a journalist, a literary and art critic, poet, and novelist whose many publications include volumes of poetry, nonfiction, books of interviews, and four novels. His awards include the Llucieta Canyà for literary criticism, the Documenta for prose, and the Maria Mercè Marçal for poetry.


Aquí, on passa tot (Here, Where Everything Happens). Bromera, 2017
Canvi de guàrdia (Changing of the Guard). Viena Edicions, 2019
Dilema d'energies (Energy Dilemma). Ensiola, 2022
Contra el món (Against the World). Empúries, 2023
La felicitat dels dies tristos (The Happiness of Sad Days). Empúries, 2010
Tots els dimonis son aquí (All the Demons Are Here). Empúries, 2011
Si t'hi atreveixes (If You Dare). Empúries, 2014

Author's Works in Translation

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