Institut Ramon LLull

Xavier Mas Craviotto


Marta González
MB Agencia Literaria

Xavier Mas Craviotto

Xavier Mas Craviotto (Navàs, 1996) is a professor of Catalan language and culture at the University of Bristol, as well as a line editor. He is the cofounder of Com ho diria, a digital platform about contemporary Catalan slang. He has published two novels and three poetry collections, and received numerous awards including the Documenta and the Ausiàs March.


Renills de cavall negre (Black Horse Neighs). Viena Edicions, 2019
La gran nàusea (The Great Nausea). LaBreu Edicions, 2021
La llum subterrània (The Underground Light). Edicions 62, 2023
La pell del món (The Skin of the World). L'Altra Editorial, 2023
La mort lenta (A Slow Death). L'Altra Editorial, 2019

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