Institut Ramon LLull

Grants for the mobility to carry out activities in the field of visual arts, design and architecture

Summary of the rules for the granting of subsidies as published in the DOGC (official journal of the Catalan government) on January 23th 2024

This summary is for information purposes only and is not legally binding. The applicant must consult the rules and the announcement of the grant. 



You can access the PDF attachments below by downloading Adobe Acrobat.


The purpose of this grant is to cover the mobility expenses for carrying out activities between July 1st and DEcember 31th 2024 outside Catalonia in the field of visual arts, design and architecture and which contribute to the international dissemination of Catalan creation, provided that the following requirements are met.

The artist, curator, designer or architect (hereinafter, "the author") has carried out at least one individual activity or project within the professional circuit or a monograph has been published on their work.

The author has been reviewed by specialized critics.

This grant does not cover travel for the purpose of:

  • Performing activities not included within a professional circuit.
  • Performing activities that fall under the category of traditional and popular culture.
  • Preproduction trips.
  • Attending and/or participating in conferences, congresses, meetings, seminars, academic events, events organized within the field of education or under the framework of training courses or workshops.
  • Holding exhibitions of artistic or architectural heritage.
  • Holding exhibitions in private galleries and fairs in Spain
  • Carrying out creation residencies, with the exception of those that include a public exhibition of work.



Individuals, self-employed individuals and legal entities that meet the requirements laid out in the grant rules are eligible for these grants.



Applicants may apply for a maximum annual sum of €15,000,00 per author during the year of the call.

The minimum elegible amount is €300.

The maximum elegible amount is €15,000.



Eligible costs include solely and exclusively the costs corresponding to the transportation of the work and insurance thereof, packages, the manufacture of crates to transport works, as well as accommodation (three nights maximum, or four in the case of intercontinental travel) and transportation of the author to attend the event.

The author may bring one person with him/her to perform any artistic or technical functions necessary for the activity.

Eligible expenses also include:

  • Where applicable, expenses directly or indirectly related to obtaining an entry visa and / or work permit in the country where the artistic action (s) are carried out, provided that such expenses do not exceed 40% of the requested amount.


The application process will be available through the Institut Ramon Llull online system during the period of applications of the call.

Legal persons and self-employed persons must submit the application and complete the other formalities related to the grant awarding and justification procedure electronically at the online portal of the Institut Ramon Llull using the corresponding signature system.

Preferably, natural persons  

  • should also submit their applications electronically via the online portal of the Institut Ramon Llull.
  • At any of the registries or offices set forth in article 38.4 of Act 30/1992, of 26 November, on the Legal Framework for Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.

In the case of foreign applicants (natural or legal persons who are not Spanish residents) applying for a grant by the Institut Ramon Llull for the first time: - Certification is required. If you do not have certification, you'll need to complete a certification request.

The Institut Ramon Llull will generate the certification and send it to non-resident foreign citizens in a secure fashion after having verified their identification documentation. The certification will be valid for five years starting from the submission date of the documentation that certifies the identity of the interested party unless any changes arise. Once the applicant has received their certification, they may complete the grant application.

Please bear in mind the deadline for certification, where appropriate.




First Call (activities from January 1st to June 30th of 2024): From March 1st to March 12th, 2024.

Second Call (activities from July 1st to december 31th of 2024): From June 14th to to 27th, 2024.



The Director of the Ramon Llull Institute will make a decision within a maximum period of six months from the date of the publication of the call.

If the maximum period has elapsed without a final decision of the procedure being issued and notified, applicants may consider their applications rejected due to administrative silence.

The decision does not exhaust the administrative process. An appeal can be filed with the head of the Department of Culture within one month from the date of publication.



    The application should be submitted through the virtual office.



    You may consult your file electronically via the online portal

    Additional documentation, where applicable, and supporting documentation may be submitted electronically via the online portal.

    For the submission of supporting documentation, please follow this guide.



    For any questions or concerns regarding applications, please contact: Eva Solans (


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