Institut Ramon LLull

About TRADUcat

This data base provides contact information on translators of Catalan literature who have recently-published translated works. This information is drawn from TRAC, a data base of translations of Catalan literature, and serves as a resource for those requiring information on literary translators who are currently active.

The data base can also include translators who have at least one work translated from Catalan to another language, in book format, and as the sole translator of that work. Translators can send us their name and contact information, in order to update our database. We welcome your comments, additions or corrections which may be e-mailed to us at: or Llull general email.

TRADUcat: Translators from catalan

You can see if the books are available in the library of the Institut Ramon Llull.

1 Results
Anne Cohen Beucher

Anne Cohen Beucher

After a career in banking and insurance in France for more than 10 years, she decided to go back to school to study and become a translator of Children's Literature. She is indeed fond of Children's books (young and old), and also chocolate and Belgicisms, that's why she loves living in Belgium! In 2012, she graduated from ISTI/ULB (Master's degree in translation) in Brussels.

In 2015, she received the Special Mention of the Pierre-François Caillé Prize for Translation from the SFT (France) for her second translation, DJ Ice by L.Maïa (ed. Alice Jeunesse). In 2016, she received the SCAM Belgium Translation Prize. Un son a disparu by R. Muñoz Avia (ed. Alice Jeunesse) and Le trésor de Barracuda by L.Campos (ed. L’École des Loisirs) were both included in the IBBY List of Honor in the translation category respectively in 2018 and 2020.

Finding out how good Catalan authors were, especially in young people and children’s literature, she decided to study Catalan to translate children’s books. Her first translation from Catalan was published in March 2022, it is the children's novel La vie est un film / La pel·licula de la vida by Maite Carranza, translated with Laia de Bolos (ed. Alice Jeunesse). Since then, other albums translated from Catalan have been released: in 2022 Étiquettes by Joan Turu (ed. Alice Jeunesse), in 2023, L’Arbre de l’année by Luca Riera and Olivia Holden (ed. Hélium).
Target language: French
Genre: Children's and Young Adult Books
Sample translation:

Última actualització: 01/06/2023 13:09

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