Institut Ramon LLull

About TRADUcat

This data base provides contact information on translators of Catalan literature who have recently-published translated works. This information is drawn from TRAC, a data base of translations of Catalan literature, and serves as a resource for those requiring information on literary translators who are currently active.

The data base can also include translators who have at least one work translated from Catalan to another language, in book format, and as the sole translator of that work. Translators can send us their name and contact information, in order to update our database. We welcome your comments, additions or corrections which may be e-mailed to us at: or Llull general email.

TRADUcat: Translators from catalan

You can see if the books are available in the library of the Institut Ramon Llull.

1 Results
Boris Monneau

Boris Monneau

Translator of Catalan, Spanish, Occitan and English, independent researcher on cinema and literature, and programmer of documentary and experimental cinema. He studied philosophy, audiovisual archiving and cinema in Toulouse, Bordeaux and Paris. Coming from a Franco-Catalan family, but mostly raised in France, he has spoken Catalan since he was a child, and discovered Catalan literature through his mother’s personal library. During an internship in the CCCB, as he was getting acquainted with Barcelona, he came across a book that would become essential for him: J. V. Foix’s Diari 1918.

He has translated into French a poetical essay by Perejaume, « Un bosquet de vista verda », read from braille in the darkness of the Jeu de Paume’s screening room (2018), and published alongside other contributing translations in the book Apunts de cinema (2021), on the occasion of the exhibition « Donar cabuda » in the Filmoteca de Catalunya ; the text of a performance by Carles Santos, « Qui ha dit avant-guarda? », for the revue Pré Carré (n° 15, July 2020) ; a collection of prose and a poem by J. V. Foix (« Quatre nus », « Els assalariats del somni ») for Des pays habitables (n° 7, March 2023).

He is currently preparing a special issue of Les hommes sans épaules dedicated to J. V. Foix and Catalan avant-garde poetry, whilst also participating in an issue of Bacchanales, which will present 30 Catalan poets from the post-war generation. He has also translated from French to Spanish different texts about the installations of the Chilean filmmaker Raúl Ruiz for two exhibitions in Santiago, and from Spanish to French, two Colombian child-poets linked to the Nadaísta group: Luis Ernesto Valencia and María de las Estrellas. A small selection of these child-poets has been included in the fifth issue of Des pays habitables.
Target language: French
Genre: Children's and Young Adult Books , Fiction , Poetry , Non-Fiction
Sample translation:

Última actualització: 11/01/2023 09:16

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