Institut Ramon LLull


Amsterdam / Ara Llibres, 2017
472 pages



Marc Pastor

"A genre-bending rollercoaster ride set in the South Pacific in 1993."

Orphaned in the Afghan War and adopted by a Russian Army official, Farishta is a smart, peripatetic young woman who gets offered an impossible dream of a job: managing a tiny community of reclusive billionaires who live in complete isolation in French Polynesia. There in the Clarke Islands, Farishta finds love, paradise landscapes and a passion for 90’s alternative rock. But very soon she discovers that there is much more to the secretive community than what she has been told.

In this fast-paced thriller, and through a barrage of dizzying plot twists, Marc Pastor pulls off his biggest literary feat so far. A virtuous work of genre crossing, Farishta takes readers to unexpected landscapes of Wellsian adventure and slick science fiction. Are the Clarke Islands a lab for clone research? Or maybe a haven for time travellers? Or part of the solution to the deadliest plague that humankind has yet to face? And, is it too late for Farishta to escape?


Ella Sher
Ella Sher Literary Agency

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