Institut Ramon LLull

 Empar Moliner


Pilar Lafuente

Empar Moliner

Empar Moliner (Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana, 1966) began her professional career as an actress, but she became well-known thanks to her ongoing collaboration with media outlets. In 2000 she won the Josep Pla prize with the novel Feli, esthéticienne [Feli, Stylist] and became an acclaimed writer with T’estimo si he begut [I Love You When I’m Drunk], which was recently made into a successful stage play, and Busco senyor per amistat i el que sorgeixi [In Search of a Man for Friendship and Possibly More]. In 2015 she won the Mercè Rodoreda award for Tot això ho faig perquè tinc molta por [I’m Doing All This Because I’m So Scared], and in 2022 the Ramon Llull prize for her latest novel Benvolguda [Dear], which was the bestselling book during this year’s Sant Jordi.


Benvolguda (Dear). Columna, 2022
T’estimo si he begut (I Love You When I’m Drunk). Quaderns Crema, 2004
Busco senyor per amistat i el que sorgeixi (In Search of a Man for Friendship and Possibly More). Quaderns Crema, 2005
No hi ha terceres persones (There Are no Third Parties). Quaderns Crema, 2010
La col·laboradora (The Collaborator). Columna, 2012
Tot això ho faig perquè tinc molta por (I’m Doing All This Because I’m So Scared). Proa, 2016
És que abans no érem així (We Were Not Like That Before). Columna, 2020

Author's Works in Translation

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