Institut Ramon LLull

 Josep Pla

Josep Pla

Josep Pla, born in northern Catalonia to a family of rural landowners, began to publish journalism at a very young age. Between 1919 and 1939, as a press correspondent, he traveled extensively to various other countries, including France, England, Germany, and the Soviet Union. At the same time, he was publishing many books of narrative prose and biographies. After the war, he settled in his native Empordà region, where he devoted himself entirely to his writing.

A very prolific author, Josep Pla’s complete works, which fill forty-five volumes and thirty thousand pages, are one of the great pillars of 20th-century Catalan literature. Like other authors of his time —Proust, Zweig— he was obsessed by the passage of time. His staunchly realistic literature approaches the world with a deeply sensual gaze. Anyone who has read even a page of his work will never forget his style: a fusion of vernacular language and his extraordinarily imaginative descriptions.



El quadern gris (The Gray Notebook). Destino, 1966
Contraban (Contraband). Edicions 62, 1951
El carrer estret (Narrow Street). Edicions 62, 1951
Nocturn de primavera (Spring Nocturne). Destino, 1953
La vida amarga (Life Embitters). Labutxaca, 1967
El que hem menjat (What We Ate). Destino, 1972

Author's Works in Translation

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