Institut Ramon LLull

Technology and Totalitarianism

Fragmenta, 2022
190 pages
Non Fiction

Tècnica i totalitarisme

Technology and Totalitarianism

Jordi Pigem

"A humanist counterweight to technocapitalism; an analysis of the perils of digital panopticism; a vindication of a life that transcends logical algorithms"

Following his precise study detailing the core anxieties and contradictions of pandemic society in his last book, Pandemics and Post-truth, which was met with both an enthusiastic and contentious reception, Pigem continues his critical cycle of analyses on contemporary life with this latest book on surveillance capitalism.

Taking the confluence between scientific understanding (psychology, neuroscience, sociology of new technologies) and humanism (Tolkien’s literary landscape, Rilke’s poetic intuition, Hannah Arendt’s essays, Agamben’s philosophy) Technology and Totalitarianism examines and confronts proposals that seek to reduce human beings to data and algorithms, while preparing us to wilfully accept a new order of technocratic control.


Ignasi Moreta

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