Institut Ramon LLull

The Tall Tale of the Witches of Arlet

Combel, 2020
32 pages
(19,5 x 25,5 cm.)
Children’s and YA : First Readers

Les bruixes d’Arlet

The Tall Tale of the Witches of Arlet

Pep Montserrat
Bel Olid

"A very original story that combines elements of traditional fantasy with a contemporary and global touch."

A hallucinatory folksy modern tale with traditional elements and surprising new angles. An egg, found in the forest where the seven witches play out their usual adventures, and the unicorn that emerges from the egg, stir all of that up, rendering a mesmerizing contemporary tall tale.
Behind this story is a powerful writer, Bel Olid, with a lauded career, and Pep Montserrat, one of the most renowned illustrators in Catalonia. The combination works perfectly.


Esther Serra
Editorial Casals

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