Institut Ramon LLull

Living With Hilda

Estrella Polar , 2017
34 pages
(22 x 23 cm)
Children’s and YA : Picture Books

Viure amb la Hilda

Living With Hilda

Mercè Canals
Bel Olid

"A clever, amusing tale about the complexities of living together."

Hilda is a little girl with a wild imagination —depicted in striking illustrations— who is in search of companionship. Yet she finds drawbacks to every possible contender: “And what if that crocodile gets hungry and eats me?” “And what if that giraffe... with those long legs, doesn’t leave me any room on the couch to watch cartoons?” And what if the real challenge was the other way around: having to live with Hilda?


Natàlia Berenguer Gamell
Asterisc Agents

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