Institut Ramon LLull

Tina Frankens

Fanbooks , 2018
168 pages
(14 x 30,2 cm)
Children’s and YA : YA Fiction

Tina Frankens

Tina Frankens

Bel Olid
Montse Rubio

"An excellent teenage girl version of Frankenstein, two hundred years after the classic first publication."

Author Bel Olid made her debut in literature for teens with a recreation of Frankenstein in which a scientist aunt reconstructs the body of her sixteen-year-old niece after a serious accident. While clearly referencing the classic novel, it is a book with its own personality, told in short chapters and a keen style that gives readers’ imaginations a jolt. The narration is filled with ellipses and weighty silences and follows the protagonist’s search for answers to her past and her place in the present. This polished edition contains evocative illustrations that add to the book’s intense atmosphere.


Natàlia Berenguer Gamell
Asterisc Agents

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