Institut Ramon LLull

Black Grass

Fanbooks , 2016
328 pages
(14 x 21,5 cm)
Children’s and YA : YA Fiction

Herba negra

Black Grass

Salvador Macip
Ricard Ruiz

"A science fiction novel in the style of the great classics of the genre, filled with relentless battles that move the plot along at a furious pace."

Taking its inspiration from the great classics of post-apocalyptic science fiction, such as The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham, this is the story of three teenagers who find themselves caught up in the fight against a sect determined to colonize the planet by means of an invasive plant. Readers will be enthralled by the dizzying pace of the constant confrontations between the protagonists and their adversaries, and the wild, often hilarious, situations they end up in.


Natàlia Berenguer Gamell
Asterisc Agents

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