Institut Ramon LLull

Ferran Garcia


Txell Torrent
MB Agència Literària

Ferran Garcia

Ferran Garcia (Taradell, 1971) is a graduate of Veterinary Medicine and Sociology and has a master’s degree in Public Administration and Biodiversity and in Agroecology. After a course at the writing school of the Barcelona Atheneum, he wrote his first novel, Recorda que moriràs [Remember You Will Die]. He is the author of Larva, which won the Pare Colom poetry award and of the unpublished poetry book Magror [Meagerness], that was rewarded with the XXI Pere Badia poetry prize. He has also written critically acclaimed short stories such as “Mil Vegades Llàtzer” [A Thousand Times Llàtzer], recognized at the Cryptshow Festival and “Òpera Creus” [Opera Creus], winner of the 2020 Recvll literary competition.


Larva (Larva). Lleonard Muntaner, 2017
Magror (Meagerness). Poemari inèdit, 2021
Guilleries (Guilleries). Males Herbes, 2022
Recorda que moriràs (Remember You Will Die). Males Herbes, 2016
Blasfèmia (Blasphemy). Males Herbes, 2019

Author's Works in Translation

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