Institut Ramon LLull

About us

Management team


Pere AlmedaPere Almeda has been the director of the Centre for Contemporary Studies of the Catalan Government and of the IDEES magazine. A lawyer, he has a Diploma in Advanced Studies (DEA) in Political Science and a postgraduate degree in International Relations and Culture of Peace. He is an associate professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona.

He has worked and collaborated in various institutions such as the Parlament de Catalunya, in various departments of the Government of the Generalitat, the European Parliament and the Department of Political Affairs of the General Secretariat of the United Nations. He has also been linked to various cultural projects and was director of the Palau i Fabre Foundation.

He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Ferran Agulló School of Òmnium Cultural and of the Fundació Catalunya Europa. In 2021 he has promoted as editor and coordinator and the collective book Catalunya - Espanya: del conflicte al diàleg polític?.


    General Manager: ANTÒNIA ANDÚGAR

    Antònia AndúgarAntònia Andúgar i Andreu was born in 1965 in Almassora (Castelló). She has a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master's in Public Management from ESADE..

    He began his career in the performing arts sector, working in different areas and projects of the Grup Focus company (1990-2005), highlighting the Teatre Romea Management, the management of the stage director Calixto Bieito and the management of co-productions and international tours. Later he joined the team of the audiovisual producer Benecé (2006-2009) as head of the children's and family area, leading several audiovisual and scenic projects, as well as international promotion in forums and markets.

    From the private sphere, he joined the public sector in 2010 as Manager of the Performing Arts Center of Terrassa (with two theaters and a scenic production center) and Executive Director of the TNT-Terrassa Noves Tendències Festival. In 2014 she was appointed Director of the Market Area of the Institut Català d’Empreses Culturals, with the mission of supporting the internationalization of cultural companies and strengthening their competitiveness in both national and international markets. In this regard, she developed different actions such as the promotion of strategic markets of live arts or the organization of book stands, audiovisual or music at fairs around the world.

    Director of the Creation Department: MARIA LLADÓ

    Maria LLadóMaria Lladó Ribot (Palma, 1976) Graduate at Humanities studies, Performing Arts and Music Sciences Management. Maria Lladó was the music delegate at the Balearic Islands local Government during the period 2000-2004. During the past 20 years, she has developed her professional experience in public institutional music policies focussed at programmes for

    international promotion of Catalan Culture and music advisor of music festivals as Mercat de Música Viva de Vic & Grec Festival. From 2003 to 2021 she coordinated the music department of the Institut Ramon Llull. She has taught in various postgraduate courses in cultural management. She is a founding member of MIM (Women in Music Industry) and the Association of Cultural Managers of the Balearic Islands. He is also a member of the Association of Cultural Managers of Catalonia.

    Director of the Literature Area: JOAN DE SOLA

    Joan de SolaJoan de Sola (Barcelona, 1975) studied Philosophy and Literary Theory in Barcelona, Berlin and Paris. He works as a freelance translator and editor since 2002.

    He specialises in translation of literature, criticism and essays on modern and contemporary art. He has been a teaching fellow at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and is currently working on his PhD about the concepts of criticism and translation in Goethe and Schiller.

    He has translated works by Goethe, Marcel Proust, Jacques Rivière, Robert Walser, Samuel Beckett, Bertolt Brecht, Malcolm Lowry, Gabriel Josipovici, Jean Paul Richter, Rainer Maria Rilke and Marianne Fritz, among many others. He has been awarded various distinctions and prizes, among them the Premio Ángel Crespo (2018) for his version of the Correspondence between Proust and Rivière. In 2018 and 2019 he received an «Übersetzungsprämie» from Austrian Federal Chancellery for his translations of Rilke and Marianne Fritz

    Director of the Language and Universities: JOSEP-ANTON FERNÀNDEZ

    Josep-Anton Fernàndez Josep-Anton Fernàndez (Barcelona, 1963) és llicenciat en Filologia Catalana per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i doctor en Llengües Modernes (literatura catalana) per la Universitat de Cambridge. Ha sigut professor agregat dels Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, on dirigia el grau de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, i professor titular (Senior Lecturer) d'estudis catalans a Queen Mary, University of London, on va fundar el Centre for Catalan Studies.

    Ha exercit la docència a les universitats de Birmingham (Regne Unit) i Ca' Foscari de Venècia (Itàlia), i com a professor visitant a les universitats Adam Mickiewicz de Poznan (Polònia) i de Chicago (EUA). És un reconegut especialista en la literatura i la cultura catalanes contemporànies, sobre les quals ha publicat llibres, més de quaranta articles i capítols. La seva recerca se centra en qüestions de gènere i sexualitat, la teoria queer, la psicoanàlisi i els estudis culturals.

    Va ser guardonat amb el prestigiós Premi de poesia Ausiàs March de Gandia, va ser membre de l'Executiva de la Plataforma per la Llengua i és membre del patronat i del comitè directiu de la Fundació Enllaç, l'entitat que presta suport i servei a les persones grans LGTBI+.

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