The manifesto claimed for a new intersectional perspective for the Catalan case that combines "the national oppression with the structural violence that patriarchy and global capitalism exert against subaltern individuals." Basing on experiences from elsewhere from the African-American and Latin feminists, to indigenists from Abya Yala and Chinese activists against sexual harassment—, the authors highlight the "predatory" nature of the Spanish nationalism, and propose intersectional feminism as an emancipatory tool. They also highlight the key role that the Catalan language plays in the nation's dynamics as it is considered the base of the Catalan national identity. Dr. Ojeda will also present her upcoming book Matria o Barbarie. 30 visions del feminisme català (Matriarchy or Barbarianism. 30 views of the Catalan feminism), which gathers contributions from all Catalan Countries.
Júlia Ojeda Caba graduated in Literary Studies (UB) and Master in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (between UB and Albert-Ludwig Universität, Germany), she has specialized in contemporary Catalan literature. She is a predoctoral researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya with a thesis on Catalan narrative and feminism. She collaborates in several literary criticism magazines such as La Lectora and Caràcters. She participates regularly in several media such as TV3 or ARA. She is a jury member in several literary awards (Premi Òmnium to the best novel of the year and Serra d'Or Premis de la Crítica). She has also done gender perspective consulting for school publishers.