Institut Ramon LLull

Historian Xavier Domènech, lectures at the University of Chicago and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Universities.  Chicago, Amherst, 02/11/2023

Xavier Domènech is a historian and member of the Centre d’Estudis sobre les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica (CEFID) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Professor of History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Xavier Domènech has worked mainly on the periods of the Civil War, Francoism, the Transition and democracy, focusing his research on social movements, mechanisms and processes of political change and the shaping of popular identities.

He has also specialised in the study of various national dynamics in Spain during the contemporary period. Apart from his lines of research, he has also curated exhibitions such as Memòria Democràtica de Sabadell, 1936 - 1976, Quan plovien bombes. Barcelona i els bombardejos durant la Guerra Civil or Refugi, and has worked on several projects to articulate historical memory.

His main works include Moviment obrer i canvi polític (Icària, 2011), Hegemonies. Crisi, moviments de resistència i processos polítics (2010 - 2013) (Akal, 2014), Un feix de nacions. L'Estat i la plurinacionalitat a Espanya (1830-2017) (Península, 2020) and Lluita de classes, dictadura i democràcia. Obrers i empresaris (1939 - 1979) (Akal, 2022).

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

La realidad plurinacional en España: orígenes, continuidad y persistencia de su diversidad nacional

Tuesday, November 14, at 5:30pm


University of Chicago

La persistencia de las cuestiones nacionales. Estado, territorialidad y plurinacionalidad de América Latina a España

Friday, December 1, 2023, at 4:30pm

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