Institut Ramon LLull

Training days for Catalan teachers in Bari, Italy

Language.  Bari, Italy, 23/11/2022

The workshop will take place in the Italian city in December 2nd and 3rd, and it is dedicated to those teachers that are part of the Xarxa universitària d’estudis Catalans a l’exterior; it is coordinated by the Institut Ramon Llull. The activities are part of the XIII Congresso Internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Catalani, which is taking place from November 30th to December 2nd.

The Italian city of Bari hosts, from November 30th to December 2nd, the XIII Congress of the Italian Association of Catalan specialists at the Università degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”. Within the programme of the event, we highlight the Jornades de formació del professorat de català, which are taking place at the Centro Polifunzionale Studenti and are part of the continuous training programme that the Institut Ramon Llull leads for Catalan studies professors from international universities.

The training programme, which is taking place in the Italian city in December 2nd and 3rd, will count with the presence of Ariadna Puiggené. The director of the Àrea de Llengua i Universitats from Llull will take part in the first day greeting, together with Nancy de Benedetto, president of the Associació Italiana d’Estudis Catalans, and Paolo Ponzio, director of the Departament de Recerca i Innovació Humanística of the University of Bari.

Within the scheduled activities of the training, the following topics will be discussed: “The creation of an interlanguage corpus of Italian students from the official exams of the Institut Ramon Llull”, by Úrsula Vacalebri (University of Torino); “Theatre in the CLE classroom: models of teaching use”, by Pau Sitjà (University of Siena); “False friends within the CLE courses for Italian-speakers”, by Isabel Turull (University of Rome La sapienza); “Poetics of the body: workshop on creative verse”, by Paula Marquès (University of Bologna and University of Venice); and “Use (and uses) of the opinion piece at the language class”, by Sara Longobardi (University Suor Orsola Benincasa), among others.

Italian Association of Catalan Studies

The AISC was created in 1978 by academic figures long dedicated to Catalan Studies from various fields, from romance philology to contemporary literature, history, linguistics, or architecture. The political change that took place in Spain after 1975 favoured the interests that many foreign scholars had cultivated for a repressed, silenced and censored culture, which became nevertheless merged into a high quality scientific research.


Friday, December 2nd (Room C)

8.45am – 9am Greeting
Paolo Ponzio, direttore del Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica de la Universitat de Bari Nancy De Benedetto, presidenta de l’Associazione Italiana di Studi Catalani Ariadna Puiggené, directora de l’Àrea de Llengua i Universitats de l’Institut Ramon Llull

9am – 11am Workshop
Lessical approach nell’apprendimento delle lingue straniere Mario Cardona, University of Bari

11.30am – 1pm Communications
Creació d’un corpus d’interllengua d’estudiants italians a partir dels exàmens oficials de l’Institut Ramon Llull: primers passos, primeres idees Úrsula Vacalebri, Universitat de Torí
El teatre a l’aula de CLE: models d’explotació didàctica Pau Sitjà, Universitat de Siena
Els falsos amics als cursos de CLE per a italianoparlants Isabel Turull, Universitat de Roma La Sapienza

Saturday, December 3rd (Room Carlo De Trizio)

9am – 10.30am Workshop
Escriure la imatge: l’escriptura poètica aplicada a CLE Iban Leon, Universitat Federico II de Nàpols

10.30am – 11am Communication
Poètiques del cos: taller de versos creatius Paula Marquès, Universitat de Bolonya i Universitat de Venècia

11.30am – 12.30am Workshop
Ús (i usos) de la columna d’opinió a l’aula de llengua Sara Longobardi, Universitat Suor Orsola Benincasa

12.30 am Closing

Relevant links:

Associazioni e centri di catalanistica

Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

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