Institut Ramon LLull

Summer Language Stay for international students in Valencia

Language.  València, 10/07/2022

Monday 11 of July started the program of activities of the Summer Language Stay in Valencia. The program ends on the 22 of July and is for students of international universities with Catalan studies.

The Institut Ramon Llull is the organizer, together and in collaboration with other institutions, of several languages and cultural residencies to improve the competence and cultural knowledge of international students of Catalan. The program of the Summer Language Stay in Valencia lasts from the 11 to the 22 of July.

The program is addressed to students of universities teaching Catalan studies abroad. A dozen days to learn, create complicities with the attendants, and fully immerse in the Catalan language. The residences are held in Catalan speaking areas and offer courses, visits, and leisure activities for the students.


Monday, 11 July
09:00 Language course
12:00 Welcome and opening of the Summer Language Stay in Valencia by Mrs. Verònica Cantó, president of the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, and Ignasi Massaguer, on behalf of the Institut Ramon Llull

Tuesday, 12 July
09:00 Literary and historical visit: «From downtown to periphery» guided by Vicent Moreno
16:00 Language course

Wednesday, 13 July
10:00 Language course
12:00 Meeting with writer and artist Anna Moner
16:00 Film: Alcarràs, by Carla Simón

Thursday, 14 July
10:00 Visit to the Central Market of Valencia and Octubre Contemporary Culture Centre, guided by the course professors
16:00 Language course

Friday, 15 July
09:00 Visit to the monastery of Sant Miquel dels Reis guided by Fernando López
11:00 Salutation by Mrs. Verònica Cantó, president of the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
Boardroom of the AVL
12:30 Film: La banda, by Roberto Bues

Saturday, 16 July
09:30 Tour to the Albufera (Gola, Pujol, Racó Olla, Barca Palmar, Muntanyeta Sants) and Sueca. Departure from the Students Residency.
16:00 Meeting with writer and painter Manuel Baixauli at his studio and the Espai Joan Fuster
17:30 Visit to the Museum Joan Fuster

Monday, 18 July
10:00 Guided visit to the Llotja and Valencia Cathedral with Vicent Moreno
16:00 Language course

Tuesday, 19 July
09:00 Language course
16:00 Talk on Publishing at País Valencià by Gonçal López-Pampló (Bromera Edicions) and Mercè Pérez (Sembra Llibres)

Wednesday, 20 July
09:00 Visit to À punt radio and television by Adrià Castells. Departure from the Residence
16:00 Workshop on Language and the media by Adrià Castells

Thursday, 21 July
09:00 Tour to Sagunt, Visit to Alboraia and “Orxata” (tigernut milk) route guided by Fernando López

Friday 22 July
09:00 Language course
19:00 Concert by Borja Penalba at CIM of Benimaclet
20:30 Farewell dinner at CIM of Benimaclet
End of the course

Saturday, 23 July
Breakfast, departure from the residence and return.

Summer Language Stay in Valencia (AVL – IRL)
From 10 to 22 July, 2022

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