Institut Ramon LLull

CUNY: Professor Jenny Brumme on Spanish and Catalan Schools and Linguistic Ideologies

Thought.  New York, 28/09/2018

For this seminar at CUNY's Graduate Center, Professor Jenny Brumme will review the policies regulating languages in Spain throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, focusing on the role of schools. Examining Catalan's revitalization as a written and cultured language, source texts will be extrapolated to analyze the dynamics of other languages in the Hispanic world.

Besides teaching a seminar for graduate students, on Friday, September 28th, Prof. Jenny Brumme will also give a lecture, in Spanish and open to general public, under the title: ¿Qué lengua para la enseñanza de las normas sociopragmáticas? Los manuales de urbanidad y la recuperación del catalán.

The Mercè Rodoreda Chair, founded in 2003 as collaboration between Institut Ramon Llull and the PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages at the Graduate Center – CUNY, offers courses in Catalan literature and Catalan sociolinguistics.

Friday, September 28, 2018

6:30 PM

CUNY Graduate Center

365 Fifth Ave. 

Room 4116

Free and open to the public. Reception to follow

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