Institut Ramon LLull

Toni Mollà to offer a lecture on "The Catalan language, between identity and global market"

Language.  New York, 02/10/2015

The lecture will put an end to a one-week seminar on "the economic policy, communication structure and the sociolinguistics of Catalan" programmed by The Mercè Rodoreda Chair at the Graduate Center-CUNY, and taught by Prof. Toni Mollà.

Toni Mollà was born in Meliana (Horta Nord) on 17 June 1957 and he is a writer and journalist. 

In 1978 he received a diploma in Human Sciences at the Valencia Teacher's Training College, after which he taught at the La Masia school (1979- 1984), which was a pioneer in Catalan-language teaching in the Valencia Region. He then obtained his degree in Journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1995 – 1997). In 2006 he completed his doctorate in Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia. In the intellectual domain, he has been actively engaged with his research into the sociology of language and the information society, which has led to the publications, from the 1980s onwards, of works such as Curs de sociolingüística(Course in Sociolinguistics, 1987, 1988 and 1991), La llengua als mitjans de comunicació (Language in the Mass Media, 1990), Política i planificació lingüístiques(Linguistic Policy and Planning, 1997), La política lingüística a la societat de la informació (Language Policy in the Information Society, 1998), and many more pieces in collective volumes and specialist reviews. His book La utopia necessària (Nacionalisme i societat civil) (The Necessary Utopia (Nationalism and Civil Society)) was awarded the 1994 Rovira i Virgili Essay Prize. He is also author of works in the field of literary journalism, for example Converses inacabades amb Joan Fuster(Unfinished Conversations with Joan Fuster, 1992), a book of interviews with Joan Fuster that was published a few months after the latter's death. Moreover, he has written two books about the famous Valencian pelota player Paco Cabanes: Paco Cabanes: el Genovés (1994) and Una partida de llegenda. 9 de juliol a Sagunt, (A Legendary Game. 9th July in Sagunt, 1996). In the autumn of 2000, he was awarded the Mancomunitat de la Ribera Essay Prize for his diary Espill d'insolències (Mirror of Effronteries). In 2004 he published Tres en línia (Three in Line), a journalistic essay in collaboration with Francesc Bayarri, Rafa Arnal and Joan Dolç, while in 2005 he edited the book Nosaltres, exvalencians (We, the Ex-Valencians), which he co-authored with Francesc Bayarri, Rafa Arnal, Joan Dolç, Manuel S. Jardí and Emili Piera. He has written numerous articles in the press in the form of essays or articles on politics and sports, these appearing in Levante-EMV, El Temps, El País and El Periódico de Catalunya, among other publications. 

Prof. Toni Mollà: "La lengua catalana, entre la identidad y el mercado global"

Lecture (in Spanish)

Fri, Oct 2, 6:00 pm

Room: C198

Graduate Center-CUNY

365 Fifth Ave.

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