Institut Ramon LLull

Grandpas, Piranhas and other stories

Bromera, 2020
40 pages
(24 x 30 cm)
Children’s and YA : Picture Books

Iaios, piranyes i altres històres

Grandpas, Piranhas and other stories

Rocio Bonilla Raya

"The most recent picture book by the celebrated author and illustrator Rocío Bonilla is an appealing tribute to the special relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren."

Rocío Bonilla is one of the most international illustrators in Catalan children’s literature. One of her books, entitled What Colour Is A Kiss?, has been translated into more than twenty languages. Now she presents a lively picture book starring imaginative and enthusiastic Grandpa Roderic and his grandson Nico. Together, they will escape from a thousand piranhas, they will cross the sea in a pirate ship and they will have a ton of adventures, creating memories that will last for generations.


Carol Borràs

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  • Algar Editorial (Spanish)
  • Brainfood Media (Greek)
  • Éditions Père Fouettard (French)
  • Foliant Publishing (Russian)
  • Jumbo (German)
  • PersPektiv Editions (Luxemburgish)
  • Presença (Portuguese)
  • Publicat S.A., UL (Polish)
  • Shenzhen Bookin (English)
  • Valentina Edizioni (Italian)


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