Institut Ramon LLull

Albert Pijuan

Albert Pijuan

Albert Pijuan (Calafell, 1985) holds degrees in Political Science and Philosophy. A playwright and a translator, he is the author of two plays, a poetry collection, the short story Seguiràs el ritme del fantasme jamaicà (Angle, 2017), and the novel El franctirador (Angle, 2014), and the literary artifact Ramon Llull. Ara i aquí (Angle, 2016). With his last book, the novel Tsunami (Angle 2020), Pijuan was awarded with the first Finestres Prize as well as the 2020 Pin i Soler. 


Tsunami (Tsunami). Angle Editorial, 2020
El franctirador (The Sniper). Angle Editorial, 2014
Seguiràs el ritme del fantasma jamaicà (You Will follow the Rhythm of the Jamaican Ghost). Angle Editorial, 2017
Non Fiction
Ramon Llull. Ara i aquí (Ramon Llull. Here and now). Angle Editorial, 2016

Author's Works in Translation

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