Institut Ramon LLull

 Imma Monsó


Laura Palomares
Carmen Balcells Agency

Imma Monsó

Imma Monsó (Lleida, 1959) is the author of ten novels and three short-story collections, as well as children’s literature and non-fiction. Her many awards include the Prudenci Bertrana, the Ramon Llull, the City of Barcelona, and the 2013 Catalan National Culture Prize for her lifetime literary achievements.


Un home de paraula (A Man of his Word). RBA, 2006
Una tempesta (A Tempest). La Magrana, 2009
La dona veloç (A Swift Woman). Planeta, 2012
L'aniversari (The Birthday). Proa, 2016
Germanes (Sisters). Univers, 2020
La mestra i la Bèstia (The Teacher and the Beast). Anagrama, 2023
Millor que no m'ho expliquis (You Better Not Tell Me). RBA, 2008

Author's Works in Translation

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