Institut Ramon LLull

Víctor Escandell

Víctor Escandell

Victor Escandell was born in Eivissa (Balearic Islands) and has done design work for a full range of clients, among them animation producers, various newspapers, advertising agencies, publishing companies, exhibitions, and more. In 1998 he set up his own studio, Alehop, where he continues working, experimenting, innovating, and winning numerous awards.


Children’s and YA
Enigmes de la ciència (Enigmas of Science). Zahorí Books, 2021
Enigmes de la història (Enigmas of History). Zahorí Books, 2018
Enigmes (Enigmas). Zahorí Books, 2018
Enigmes de por (Enigmas of Fear). Zahorí Books, 2019
Animalots del món (Animals of the World). Promopress, 2014

Author's Works in Translation

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