Arts.  Venice,  28/04/2017

Press release. Catalonia in Venice_La Venezia che non si vede

Press release / Comunicato stampa. The Institut Ramon Llull is participating in the 57th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia with the project La Venezia che non si vede / Unveiling the Unseen by Antoni Abad, curated by Mery Cuesta and Roc Parés. The project is being presented at the Cantieri Navali de Castello from May 13th to November 26th.

Catalonia in Venice_La Venezia che non si vede

It is a sensorial interpretation of the city of canals, created in collaboration with people who are blind or visually impaired, a collective who uses their senses in a different and unique way. Through the shared exchange of both the experiences and difficulties of their daily lives, less obvious urban forms are revealed, allowing for a new map of public space to be drawn up that is usable by everyone.



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