A Vocabulary for the Future

Created by the CCCB during the 2020 Barcelona Biennial of Thought, "A Vocabulary for the Future" is a collection of audiovisual essays that reflect on ways of thinking about the world of tomorrow. As part of the Spotlight on Catalan Culture in the UK programme, the IRL has joined in partnership with the prestigious Film London to amplify the exhibition and create a new series of works, created by six Catalan language authors and six UK-based filmmakers. The authors have been selected by the IRL and the CCCB, and Film London has curated the selection of visual artists and filmmakers.

This new series consists of six original short films that bring together six Catalan-language writers in dialogue with six British filmmakers. This dialogue generates a map for exploring and giving a name to another possible future. Each piece revolves around a word that serves as a focal point, an invitation to rethink how we inhabit the present and project ourselves into the future.


Najat El Hachmi / Julia Parks

What if desire wasn’t the expression of a lack? What if the object of our desire wasn’t an object but an aggregate? What if what we desired wasn’t a person but all the moments that make them up, all the things they’ve read, all the places that live inside them? Producing something by desiring, manufacturing a unique world, a composition of elements coming together.


Pol Guasch / Noémi Varga

It’s a party. And you’re dancing, with your retinas burning, because a party is a different kind of time, with no past, present, or future; time as a mass, a light, a heartbeat, and their arms getting lost in your arms. With a burning tongue and with their eyes, that have made you see how the universe is full of names you don’t know, and it is with them that the world is made and remade at every moment.


Borja Bagunyà / Remy Bazerque

Foolishness is a pointed form of obsession, covered in sharp edges: it persists in the power of a drift and a delay. It is a political postponement―and a killjoy―of instant gratification. It is the opposite of personal branding and inflated egos. Foolishness aspires to impersonality: it settles into the membrane that separates a collective language from a private one. It begins where any consolidated identity is put on hold.


Llucia Ramis / Nosa Eke

To what extent has our privacy become a commodity? Where is the outsized exaltation of subjectivity leading us? Why do we talk about oversharing intimacy? Does the unlimited circulation of information threaten our privacy?
There are a growing number of media outlets for exhibiting our private lives; a transformation of subjectivities and new forms of being and being in the world are emerging.


Miquel de Palol / Graeme Arnfield

What is the meaning of I’ing and what is its purpose? The question runs parallel to what human beings have been asking ourselves since the beginning of our time as a species: what is the reason for our existence? What have we come to do in this life?


Muriel Villanueva / Ezra Myers

Coming from a nothingness, from a round seed that contained everything, that would encompass everything but was non-existence; we are the product of a failed origin but with a rudder, an overflowing zero. We have the right to our origin, we have the right not to have one, to leave it behind and to look back at it when forget our names. There are no illicit origins. All beginnings are.

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