Institut Ramon LLull

Inés García López


Bernat Fiol

Inés García López

Inés García López (Badalona, 1976) holds a PhD in German Philology from the Universitat de Barcelona, with a thesis on Icelandic medieval poetry. She is a professor of German literature and language at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. She also graduated in Psychology and is a member of the Escola Lacaniana of Psychoanalysis of Catalunya. She is an Icelandic into Catalan translator (she translated Angels of the Universe by Einar Már Guðmundsson), and in 2020 she was the first Spanish person to obtain the prestigious Snorri Sturluson translation fellowship granted by the Icelandic government. She teaches seminars on gender, writing and psychoanalysis at Escola Bloom.


Non Fiction
Calla i paga (Shut Up and Pay). Edicions del Periscopi, 2022

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