Institut Ramon LLull

International Catalan Cultural Societies

International Catalan cultural societies are academic associations that bring together experts and scholars of Catalan language and culture from different countries with the aim of representing, promoting and disseminating Catalan language and culture by carrying out a diverse range of activities in the fields of language, literature and culture.

These societies promote various projects that are designed to foster research on Catalan language and culture (grants for students and young researchers, prizes, etc.), the findings of which are disseminated through seminars, symposia and scientific journals. In addition, they encourage cooperation with other institutions and associations that share similar interests.

The Anglo-Catalan Society was founded in 1954 in Oxford and exists to promote awareness and appreciation of Catalan culture in the British Isles and to encourage cultural relations between the two communities. While the Society serves as a professional forum for those involved in the teaching of Catalan studies, equal importance is attached to the role of bringing together Catalans and 'Catalanophiles' in the United Kingdom.

The main focus of  the Anglo-Catalan Society’s activities is the annual conference which has been held without interruption since the Society's foundation. The programmes cover a wide diversity of topics (linguistic, historical, literary, sociological, musical, etc.) whose common denominator is the Catalan dimension, including Valencia, the Balearics and French Catalonia.

The ACS publishes the online Journal of Catalan Studies and awards grants to students in the United Kingdom to enable them to attend and participate in its annual conference.

While the origins of the Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes (AILLC) can be traced back to 1968, the association was officially founded in 1973. It brings together those who are interested in Catalan language and literature with the aim of promoting and disseminating Catalan culture in general, and Catalan language and literature in particular.

It organises an international conference every three years on topics relating to Catalan Philology, the aim of which is to foster contact between scholars of Catalan culture from across the globe. It also publishes conference proceedings. In addition, it biannually publishes the journal Estudis de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes and regularly distributes information to its members on working sessions and specialist publications.

The Association Française des Catalanistes (AFC) exists to promote research and teaching in all areas of Catalan culture; to disseminate and publish its research findings through a variety of channels (study days, seminars, conferences and publications); and to establish and maintain contact with university researchers and writers in countries where similar work is being done.

The AISC was created in 1978 on the initiative of some university professors of philology, linguistics, literature, history, art history, architecture, etc. who were dedicated to Catalan studies. It currently brings together people interested in Italian-Catalan relations.

The AISC develops its activity in the Catalan language and culture sector, being inspired above all by criteria of wide interdisciplinarity, both in the field of scientific research and in teaching, and at the same time aims to promote and to spread in Italy the critical knowledge of the Catalan cultural fact. AISC publishes yearly the Rivista Italiana di Studi Catalani.

List of members

The Deutscher Katalanistenverband e. V. has its origins in the Deutsch-Katalanische Gesellschaft (DKG). The DKG met for the first time on 15 October 1983 in Karlsruhe, prior to holding the foundational meeting on 17 November 1987 in Frankfurt am Main. On 2 October 1997, the assembly of members held in Jena decided to change the name to Deutscher Katalanistenverband e.V. (DKV).

The DKV exists to represent and promote Catalan language and culture within the scientific sphere in German-speaking areas by carrying out a diverse range of activities in the fields of language, literature and culture. Among these activities are the organisation of Catalan language and culture days and conferences, and particularly the Germano-Catalan Conference; the publication and promotion of scientific documents and papers like Zeitschrift für Katalanistik,; the promotion of scientific projects and new generations of researchers; and the promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation, especially with other institutions and associations for Romance languages and Catalan language and culture, in Germany and elsewhere.

The North American Catalan Society (NACS) is a professional association of scholars, students and people with a general interest in any aspect of Catalan culture (literature, linguistics, visual and performing arts, history and philosophy, among other disciplines).

Founded in 1978 during the First Colloquium of Catalan Studies in North America (held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), the NACS is committed to encouraging and advancing the study of Catalan language and culture in North American academia. It seeks to foster greater visibility for and dissemination of scholarship in the field of Catalan Studies and serves as a central point of reference, as well as a public voice, for a network of scholars in this field. To this end, the NACS holds biennial colloquia, organises conversations with various scholars and artists which contribute to the international promotion of Catalan language and culture, and publishes the Catalan Review: International Journal of Catalan Culture.


The constituent assembly of the Associació de Catalanistes de l’Amèrica Llatina (ACAL) was held in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 29 August 2012 with the aim of promoting studies of Catalan language, literature and culture in Latin American countries and of putting the two communities in touch with each other.

On 21 December 2006, the presidents of several international associations of Catalan language and culture agreed the foundation of the Federació Internacional d’Associacions de Catalanista (FIAC). These academic institutions, which represent Catalan language and culture in several countries, had always tried to stay in contact with one another. However, a body to coordinate and promote their efforts was the missing link.

Thus, the FIAC seeks to establish dialogue between the associations representing Catalan language and culture in and outside of Catalan-speaking areas, thereby strengthening their work. The fundamental aims of this federation are to coordinate actions in support of Catalan culture worldwide and to organise joint projects to ensure the greatest international reach of Catalan language and culture.


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