Institut Ramon LLull

Last months of 2014 filled with Catalan theatre in the United Kingdom

Performing.  United Kingdom, 26/09/2014

Catalan companies from the performing arts field have shows scheduled in the UK. First to debut will be Itinerània, which will present its show ‘Titeretú’ at Gravity Fields festival in Lincolnshire. In november Circ Pànic will be at Bell Square in London, Sarruga with ‘Hannavas’ at Belfast Festival at Queen’s and La Veronal with ‘Siena’ at Southbank Centre in the capital of England. Lastly, dancer Sònia Sánchez will be present at Currency festival also held in London. All these performances are supported by the Institut Ramon Llull.


Gravity Fields Festival, Lincolnshire

September 26-27 (3-9pm)

‘Titeretú’: The audience becomes the protagonist in this outdoor performance by Itinerària. Five big hand-shaped puppeteers will manipulate the spectators as if they actually were real puppets, in a unique festival of physical sciences and arts.

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Circ Pànic

Bell Square, London

October 11 (1pm and 3pm)

‘The Man who Lost his Buttons’: Circus and theatre join forces in an emotive familiar show by Circ Pànic company. That’s how it works: a man dialogues with a mast about the complexity and the simplicity of life.

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Belfast Festival at Queen’s, Belfast

October 25 (12-3pm) and October 26 (2h)

‘Hannavas’: This free familiar event brings the African savannah to Northen Irland, organising workshops and activities related to the animal topic. The Catalan company will take Twiga the giraffe and her daughter Sambah and Tembo the elephant and his baby Tembito for a walk.

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La Veronal

Dance Umbrella, London

October 30 (7.30pm)

‘Siena’: The Barcelona young company will perform at the legendary stage Queen Elizabeth Hall (Southbank Centre), where brilliant dancers and musicians play every day. La Veronal will present a performance at the London international dance festival inspired by the homonymous Italian city and which explores the history of art.

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Sònia Sánchez

Currency, London

November 12 (19.30h)

‘El pliegue’: Sònia Sánchez will give a performance where the ballerina pushes the limits of the traditional flamenco form to create her own dance language. Currency is a physical theatre and dance festival, organised by The Place theatre, with the collaboration of European Commission and EUNIC London.

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Performing arts from Catalonia’s success in British Islands

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