cantautor, pop i rock  //  folk,


Joan Colomo is a former member of such bands as The Unfinished Sympathy, La Célula Durmiente and Zeidun, but he has already got three solo albums under his belt, the latest entitled Producto Interior Bruto Vol. 2. Colomo gives another turn of the screw to Spanish and Catalan song: with a lyricism unknown in him to date, he reveals himself as a master of the protest song. Proclaiming his political nihilism to the four winds and suggesting human relations as an alternative to the grime of this world, Colomo combines brutally aggressive content with moving formal naivety.

In “Heredero del DIY”, Joan strips himself bare, mining his own soul, where the sun never shines and everything is dark and shadowy, where doubts and pain is all there is, where he discovers that everything is a farce – “the grotesque mission of being just another human / learning to contend with sterile modernity” – as well as how to survive. Obsessively, the pale miner from Chinatown takes his pick and shovel to excavate the vein the songs contained in his dirty interior. To take his mind off things, he talks to himself, making whole families of rats in the underground galleries die of laughter. These are deliria caused by overuse of the loop station, the harmful influence of bizarre CDs recorded by Mau, gin and tonics mixed with commercial pop radio stations, the latest indie harvest from the USA, cut-backs and today’s numbingly awful television...




David Tauler



Producto Interior Bruto Vol. 2
Producto Interior Bruto Vol. 2 (2012)
BCore disc
L’Institut Ramon Llull és un consorci integrat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Govern de les Illes Balears i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona que té com a finalitat la projecció i difusió exterior de la llengua i la cultura catalanes en totes les seves expressions.
Generalitat de Catalunya Govern de les Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Fundació Ramon Llull, està constituïda pel Govern d'Andorra, l'Institut Ramon Llull, el Consell General dels Pirineus Orientals, l'Alguer, Xarxa de municipis i entitats de les Illes Balears i la Xarxa de ciutats valencianes Ramon Llull, i té la seva seu a Andorra
Fundació Ramon Llull