mestissatge  //  mediterranean

This band was launched, initially, as a parallel project by musicians from different groups in the city. The venture soon took root, with by Yacine Belhacene, former Nour member and vocalist with Chef Balowski, who reinvented himself once more with Yacine & the Oriental Groove, a multicultural ensemble led by Yannis Papaioannou, a Greek lute player who lives in Barcelona. In 2011, they released Parabòlic, a compendium of songs placed at the service of the most powerful urban sound. The band continued to mature, recording L’estima venç la salvatgia (2013), in which their developing style is accompanied by more elaborate production techniques, as well as guest performances by Mediterranean musicians and a string quartet. Music from here, there and everywhere, a sonic landscape that rejects empty discourse to narrate real experience accompanied by a rock sound, hard but sophisticated, interwoven with North African, reggae and pop rhythms, with even a touch of psychedelia, but always intense.


Yacine Belahcene




L'estima venç la salvatgia
L'estima venç la salvatgia (2013)
L’Institut Ramon Llull és un consorci integrat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Govern de les Illes Balears i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona que té com a finalitat la projecció i difusió exterior de la llengua i la cultura catalanes en totes les seves expressions.
Generalitat de Catalunya Govern de les Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Fundació Ramon Llull, està constituïda pel Govern d'Andorra, l'Institut Ramon Llull, el Consell General dels Pirineus Orientals, l'Alguer, Xarxa de municipis i entitats de les Illes Balears i la Xarxa de ciutats valencianes Ramon Llull, i té la seva seu a Andorra
Fundació Ramon Llull