jazz  //  electronic, instrumental

Gemma Darbo

Astrio can be addictive. It is difficult to find a band on our country’s music scene with such an attractive, powerful, different and surprising live act than this trio of excellent musicians. No matter that the setlist is the same, every concert is different. It is as if they were playing each song for the first time that day, for they add fresh nuances and unexpected twists and turns each time, to make them sound like new and moving covers. This permanent metamorphosis when playing live on stage also blurs another phenomenon, perhaps slightly disturbing: that of a band in permanent transition. Anyone lucky enough to have followed their trajectory has witnessed the gradual, stubborn, silent transformation of Astrio’s music.


Lizardqueen Music



Don't leave the planet
Don't leave the planet (2012)
L’Institut Ramon Llull és un consorci integrat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Govern de les Illes Balears i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona que té com a finalitat la projecció i difusió exterior de la llengua i la cultura catalanes en totes les seves expressions.
Generalitat de Catalunya Govern de les Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Fundació Ramon Llull, està constituïda pel Govern d'Andorra, l'Institut Ramon Llull, el Consell General dels Pirineus Orientals, l'Alguer, Xarxa de municipis i entitats de les Illes Balears i la Xarxa de ciutats valencianes Ramon Llull, i té la seva seu a Andorra
Fundació Ramon Llull