experimental / contemporània  //  catalan cançó, mediterranean

Mariona Sagarra is a singer-songwriter. The basic pillars of her work are voice, piano and poetry. With a solid grounding in classical music, she focuses her artistic career on experimenting with the new expressive possibilities of the voice, whether using electroacoustic or multi-effect devices or, simply, vocal polyphony and song. Sagarra has worked with other musicians and artists from different spheres, including dance, poetry, the theatre and fine art. Her most outstanding collaborations include her work with the Maram Trio, alongside Marc Egea and Marina Albero. Moreover, the artist Meredith Monk invited her to sing at the Carnegie Hall in New York. As a soloist, she has released three albums, the latest, entitled Lent, lent..., corrent! Els temperaments de la veu, focused on the feelings that can be expressed by the voice. Mariona Sagarra has also created a production for children, based around the Catalan traditional story Un patufet se’n va a la sorra, which she is currently touring.


Mariona Sagarra



Lent, lent...corrent!
Lent, lent...corrent! (2009)
L’Institut Ramon Llull és un consorci integrat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Govern de les Illes Balears i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona que té com a finalitat la projecció i difusió exterior de la llengua i la cultura catalanes en totes les seves expressions.
Generalitat de Catalunya Govern de les Illes Balears Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Fundació Ramon Llull, està constituïda pel Govern d'Andorra, l'Institut Ramon Llull, el Consell General dels Pirineus Orientals, l'Alguer, Xarxa de municipis i entitats de les Illes Balears i la Xarxa de ciutats valencianes Ramon Llull, i té la seva seu a Andorra
Fundació Ramon Llull